awaken your joy
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

It is my passion to hold deep transformational space for you to drop deeply into yourself.
Somewhere to feel what you need to feel and heal what you need to heal so you can live more fully in your heart.
find your joy!
reconnect to yourself!
find the flow of life again!

My Story
Hi, my name is Ruth
For the last 10 years I have been on a journey of deep self discovery with a commitment to be as fully alive as I can be.
At 29 I realised that, apart from fleeting moments of joy, I wasn't happy and felt numb and dead inside much of the time.
In 2012 I headed to Australia planning to find my joy living by the sea and in the sunshine, but life had different plans, there was deep work to be done before I could truly find my joy.
My journey led me to Bali, where after 9 days of practising yoga intensively, I realised I had got my life all wrong. I felt like I was living the life I 'should' be living rather than the one that called to me deep inside. I didn't know what this life looked like, but I committed to finding my soul's true purpose, and to finding out how this ancient practise of yoga had the power to realign me with my Soul.

A visa run led me to a Yoga School in Thailand where I immersed myself in the Ancient teachings and practices of yoga for 9 months and trained as a yoga teacher and began teaching. From Thailand I was called to India for a 30 day Pilgrimage to Sacred Tantric Places, with 100 + other people, meditating and performing holy rituals. After the Pilgrimage I travelled to Rishikesh, a holy city by the banks of the Sacred River Ganga, and here I met the man who would be my teacher for the next 7 years.
For those years I spent months every year in India, by the banks of Ma Ganga, doing deep inner work, trawling through the depths of my unconscious and my energetic being, to find the sources of my numbness and unhappiness. It was not an instant "happily ever after" and the work continues, but that work forms the foundation of everything I am and offer now. With each layer of numbness and trauma I allowed and dived into, I slowly began to uncover my joy, and began to feel that I could live my life as myself, from my heart!
The joy I feel now is almost unrecognisable to my 29 year old self. The work is ongoing, and I have a mistrust of any work that suggests you can do one course and live happily ever after, for me happily ever after is learning to live with the polarity and the messiness of being human, as well as opening to the profound joy available to us.
My Life Now
I now live and work in paradise, Gower, South Wales. I do what I love, holding transformational space, retreats, gong baths, poetry dives, kirtans and working as a support worker for young people at risk of homelessness.
I still meditate, chant, do yoga, write, dance and the natural landscape of Wales is a huge inspiration to me. I love surfing, hiking, swimming all year round in the sea and waterfalls. I recently converted my van into 'Gloria' the glorious campervan and we go allover having adventures.